Hi, Taehyung-ah 😊🤗 How are you today? I hope that you’re resting well. I’m sooo glad to see you smiling and having fun on your fan meeting, Taehyung-ah. You’re sooo beautiful. The more I look at the photos, the more I want to be there. I could feel all the dedication put into the fan meeting. How you were taking care of the armys who came, how the stage was decorated, even the venue was so artful and thoughtful, a Greek-inspired theater in a wonderful university. Your album, Layover, is already European in style, so it’s such a meaningful conceptualization. I wish though, that you’ve eaten some delicious food while having a talk with the armys. I think you have lots of such moments that are still yet to be translated. I wonder what were the things you shared. Was there something like an open-forum, an interview, trivia or quiz bowl, guess-the-lyrics-of-the-song, or sing-along? It was raining, so I imagine how cold it was, and perhaps a bit uncomfortable, but I’m really amazed by how much you have cared and paid attention to the armys who were with you, Taehyung-ah. You were prepared, providing so much stuff to make them comfortable. I think the cushions you’ve provided symbolize how you are a source of comfort and warmth for so many of us, Taehyung-ah. Not only that, all the stuff you’ve put alongside your work, like the to-do list with your Layover album and diary/notebook with your Veautiful Days photo folio, were really so meaningful. This is your love language, right? So many of your armys have expressed so much admiration and fondness for the care and creativity you’ve demonstrated in your fan meeting, making it even more grand. Truly, it’s very rare to find an idol or artist who can love like you do, Taehyung-ah, and that must be one of the reasons why your fan power and support is among the most intensive in the world. You really don’t have to worry so much based on all the efforts, thoughts, and affections you’ve shared with us all these years. It’s more than just fan-relationship that you’re building, you’re truly building a life with us, sharing not just your work but also your heart with the music you’re listening to and both the ordinary and dream-like activities you’ve been sharing with us. I wonder, if you make a quiz bowl out of all these, it would be fun to see how your fans and armys would race to give you the answers, right? You’ll surely be amazed with how good their memory is. Interpreting them might be a different matter though. You’re just so full of puzzles and mysteries, Taehyung-ah. An open-forum would really be awesome. Prepare, we’ll be asking you so many questions (I surely will). Your smile is always the ultimate gift. You don’t know how much power and refuge your smile can bring. I say this because I know it’s difficult for someone like you who’s got so many challenges to face to be happy, so when you smile because something has greatly touched your heart, it makes me, and so many of us who love you so much, so happy and grateful. That’s why, every time I see someone or something has made you smile and happy, I’m super happy and grateful too. You must have been very sad about a lot of things. I want to be with you through it all, Taehyung-ah. I might not be as fast and responsive as the others, but I hope you know I’m always here for you, always loving you, and wishing you the best. Someday, you’ll be able to see it and prove it. I really love how you’re showing a lot of things that make up your days nowadays, Taehyung-ah. Like being a part of Celine and Cartier, which are shown with the sweaters, which has Celine on it, the denim jacket which seemed to be the same one that you wore on your last visit to Japan for a Celine’s store opening (which you wore when you sang Slow Dancing and Love Me Again) and a suit similar to what you wore for your Vogue cover with Cartier (which you wore when you sang For Us). You were also enthusiastically dancing to Hype Boy by Newjeans, whose director, Min-Hee Jin also collaborated with you in directing the music videos for your songs, particularly with Rainy Days and Slow Dancing. You’re always an amazing performer on stage, especially with hip-hop, Taehyung-ah. That’s something we always know, like in your stage performances of Run BTS, Fire, On, Mic Drop, DNA, Dionysus, Not Today, and more. Your movements are precise and swift and you’ve got such charisma and stage perception, especially in knowing when to execute something to make an impact, which govern your facial expression, movements, and even vocalizations. You mean it when you sing something and your deep voice getting louder or softer just makes it all the more irresistible, full of emotions, and satisfying. I really wish you’ll sing more, create more songs, express yourself in more artistic vehicles be it in fashion, magazine, or shows, and show more of your creativity. Your conceptualization has always been mesmerizing wherever you are, Taehyung-ah. You know it, right? That’s such an amazing talent. You’re incredibly handsome, too. I think that when you want something, you’ll be able to get it. You have all the makings that can make it through even with oppositions. I just hope you’ll be cautious and fair to yourself and to the wishes of the ones who love you so that you won’t be making sacrifices to make up for everything later on. Your fan meeting is a great exposure not only to your Korean fans but also to the world who’s obviously watching you intently these days, especially that you’re submitting your album and singles for Grammys nomination. You know every big name in music is likely watching your artistic direction and your live performances, right? I’m already super proud of your live stage performances with the music shows in South Korea – Mnet, Music Bank, Tiny Desk, and more, and I’m sure that they’re catching attention and respect from so many people, both small and big names in music and entertainment in and out of South Korea, after all, you’ve got the best-selling album in almost three decades there and you’re among the first Korean soloists penetrating big music markets and even leading worldwide in physical sales (at the time of your album release) and in other platforms. Great work, Taehyung-ah. It’s a good time to ponder, to keep loving your craft, and to keep finding a source of joy, inspiration, and strength. More of the “best things” are yet to come. Always be happy and healthy, Taehyung-ah. Keep doing amazing. I love you so much, Taehyung-ah. I, and so many of your armys, love you so much. Always remember that. May we always be your friends to make you comfortable. May we be among your many sources of strength and vitality so that you can go beyond and be successful in any endeavor you’ll take this year. We’ll support you through thick and thin. Please take good care of yourself. Eat and sleep properly and keep a healthy lifestyle and optimistic mindset. May your days always be filled with happiness, graces, and blessings. May all your dreams come true and may you be happy, successful, and peaceful in 2023 👼😘. Borahae, Saranghae, Taehyung-ah 💜💜💜💚💚💚❤️❤️❤️ (P.S. I hope you and Jimin are having such great friendship these days. I hope you’re laughing a lot and having fun together. Life can be super harsh sometimes, so I’m grateful you have people whom you can learn from as they’re with you from the beginning and who share the same pain as you, but don’t get hurt anymore, or let the ones who love you get hurt too.)