V’s Borahae 7th Anniversary

Hi, Taehyung-ah 😊🤗 How are you today? I hope that you’ve been doing well and that you’re safe and comfortable wherever you are. Most importantly, I hope you’re healthy. Have you been sleeping well? I’m sorry. I’ll try to sleep better so that I won’t be guilty whenever I tell you to take good care of your health, rest properly, and live a healthy lifestyle). I really want to send you letters sooner too. I’m sorry for being inconsisent and late. My mind is wandering. I just read a lot and end somewhere unbelievable, and sabotaging all my tasks. Worse, I’m already old to still not be able to manage my time well and make wise decisions for myself. If you have any piece of advice, Taehyung-ah, please let me learn from you who’s so great in managing so many things in your time. I’ve recently watched some of your Layover activities and whenever I come across a video that I haven’t watched fully before, I question myself. I had so much time but I wasn’t able to do all that I’m supposed to even though they’re not so many. I need someone like you to inspire me in this, Taehyung-ah. I sincerely want to learn from you. You’ve made so many things beautiful and meaningful – and such beauty and meaning lasts for a very long time. Your Borahae, really, is a legendary idea. I think it sums up what true love is – trusting and loving for a long time – and the bond between BTS and ARMY is really super great like that. Don’t worry, Taehyung-ah. A lot of things will surely change, come and go as time passes, but our love for each other won’t fade and go away. You’ll certainly find so many fans and armys cheering for you and loving you in your old age. I can guarantee that. I think that love is not a test, it’s an answer. When people say there are lots of challenges that will test and break that bond, they often forget that life is itself a series of tests and that bonds, like faith, are not subjects of challenges but rather a source of strength. That’s why, whenever there are challenges, the more we need each other. It’s not that BTS will come back in 2025, it’s just BTS is always here, always inspiring and reminding armys to love, or for me, look at one’s capabilities as well as tendencies for mistakes and still love oneself. That kind of love is also what we should give to others. So many of your fans and armys will interpret your Borahae in so many beautiful ways, and all of these interpretations will just show how much loving you are, Taehyung-ah. I’m always so proud and so grateful to be supporting you. Sometimes I intensely worry that my weaknesses will drag you down, but you’re someone great and amazing that you’ve got an army of support so a little bit part of you can’t bring you down, right? I want to think I’m being loved like that too. Actually, when I started supporting you and BTS, I was in a point of my life where I didn’t care or love anyone, or rather, I was disappointed at everyone and everything that was happening in my life. You’ve made me inspired by your life and perseverance and I sided with you through every video I saw, especially in songs, performances, and shows. Your voice is just so beautiful and soulful and emotional. It always moves me. I think your voice is my personal brand of sincerity and sexiness. That’s in part to the anime characters I was watching before. Also, you’re super beautiful too. I always thought how can someone be so perfect? You’re also very creative and fun. And with all these amazing qualities and more, you’re so loving and sincere to other people and you know how to size yourself up as well as people and surroundings. I’ve seen you thrive over them, Taehyung-ah, over and over again. Your ideas have paved way for you, your projects and brand, and even other people. You’re definitely the artist of our lives. I wish you won’t allow yourself to be pushed by others or taken advantage of by them or tricked by them. Keep your vision is great and refined so that no disturbances and annoyance can make you, or anyone, stop your plans from running for a long time. Like that Spotify video you have for Layover, keep your eyes on your goals, don’t change your ways for no important reason, and try not to often do many things in the shortest amount of time possible. Once again, happy 7th Borahae anniversary, Taehyung-ah. 🥳🎉👏🙌 I love you so much, Taehyung-ah. I, and so many of your armys, love you so much. Always remember that. May we always be your friends to make you comfortable. May we be among your many sources of strength and vitality so that you can go beyond and be successful in any endeavor you’ll take this year. We’ll support you through thick and thin. Please take good care of yourself. Eat and sleep properly and keep a healthy lifestyle and optimistic mindset. May your days always be filled with happiness, graces, and blessings. May all your dreams come true and may you be happy, successful, and peaceful in 2023. 👼😘 Borahae, Saranghae, Taehyung-ah. 💜💜💜💚💚💚❤️❤️❤️