Hi, Taehyung-ah πŸ˜ŠπŸ€— How are you today? I hope that you’ve been doing great. Are you in good health now? Thank you so much for sharing with us previews of your next project as well as surprises from your previous project for the British Pop and Arena Homme+ Korea with Celine. You look super hot, but I feel sad thinking how it’s revealing. I’m undecided whether it’s good that you showed us another of your gifts of beauty and sexiness or to feel sad how it is an invasion of your personal boundaries. I’m also undecided whether it’s better that those amazing shots were not put in the magazines or that you shared them on instagram, but your sacrifice, effort, and discomfort or uneasiness for those shots would be in vain. You have a very beautiful body, Taehyung-ah. I know it should be in the covers and pages of luxury magazines (and that surely awes your fans and armys, making us crazy) but if I can make a personal request, please don’t do it again. 😭😭😭 Still, congratulations, Taehyung-ah, for such amazing and super impressive shots πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ™Œ You always go higher and higher and moving to another level so fast and so impressively. I’m always so happy and proud of you.
I intend to talk about your military enlistment towards the end of the letter so this remains positive, but I found wonderful words of wisdom that can uplift your spirits, Taehyung-ah. It’s the one you’ve shared a couple of years ago when you and BTS have been appointed as presidential ambassadors of South Korea to the UN. I wonder if you remember all about that time and I hope you can overcome things in a super magnificent way over and over again. Here are your words: “I hope we just don’t consider the future as grim darkness. There are still many pages ledt in the story. We shouldn’t talk like the ending has already been written.” πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Yes, you should do it again, Taehyung-ah. We should do it together, hoping that the future is better, that we become more focused and more firm in putting our plans into action, and wiser in protecting our resources, possessions, and spaces.
I still don’t like how you and BTS will have to do the military enlistment while other people like athletes in Olympics have been exempted from doing it. Aren’t you doing more physical preparation and activities and competing and winning prestigious competitions for the honor of the country? Not only that, you also contributed a large portion of rise of South Korean economy as you spread Korean music, culture, and influence to the rest of the world. We all know it, if it weren’t for you and BTS, would the world know of South Korea like how they did today? How did the country honor you and BTS, Taehyung-ah? Koreans may think it’s not my place to say this, but since it’s the goal of K-pop to be spread everywhere in the world, then Koreans must also know and hear the voice of the people they’re trying to reach. Of course, I’ve read a lot of articles that talk about military enlistments and we all know it’s primarily politically motivated. I don’t think anything political is safe and such people can really threaten you anywhere. If they can do that to highly prestigious icons, how much more to ordinary citizens, right? That’s why BTS has to go to that military enlistment to make a perfect example and to strengthen that call of loving and dying for the country (I’ve recently made a class report for the case of nationalism).
Since we’ve already come to this, all we can do now is hope, be optimistic, and not to let anything bring our spirits down. When we think negatively, we might not be able to size the situation properly and know how to triumph over it. It is indeed an unfamiliar, and mostly a darker and perhaps humiliating situation because any situation with power play like the military and politics always involve some kind of disregard to human dignity and many instances of abuse of power. We won’t be able to think properly when we magnify the scary situation. Like what the author, Adam Grant (I don’t actually like him and his ideas, but his research into human nature is superb) said in his book, Originals, the only way to overcome a situation larger than you is to disarm the things that make you fear it. If you can’t leave the situation and those exploitative people and have no other choice but to stay in the place, what you can do is really to think your strategies will work and also to laugh at the bullying of others, though you may do that in secret. Laughing and/or making fun of others is never my thing, but I have seen how so many students ruined their teachers’ reputation and how my neighbors have ruined other’s reputation just by spreading bad humor about them. I’m curious how that will play out in the military, but as long as you’re doing what is right, remaining truthful and fair, and trying to understand them first or see things from their perspective, then you’ll be able to have the upper hand. This is not a matter of discrimination, but you really are above and beyond them. Don’t forget yourself.
The military might want you to become someone else, but if you should change, it should be for skills that are better for you and not skills that are against you or not useful to you, Taehyung-ah. When you’re there, you’ll be able to check which are the trainings and skills that can strengthen your mental and spiritual perceptiveness, not just physical. I wonder if I should say this, but since it is a well-documented case in South Korea in which a man who turned into a serial kl*lr reasoned he gained that strength and mental capacity – thinking he can actually do it – from his training during his military enlistment. It has indeed transformed him into a very strong person, but unfortunately, instead of making the society better, his training turned out contributing worse to the society. That training will indeed strengthen everyone, but it’s always up to you to check how to benefit from the new strength you’ll find there. The training is so dangerous that Koreans even have to sign a waiver stating the military in charge and the government leaders won’t take responsibiltiy if anyone of you are killed in that military training, right? I totally hate that situation. That’s taking away a person’s basic human right, the freedom to choose. I wonder if other people will have the same mental aptitude to understand this (actually, my roommate is laughing that I’m saying this, making me angry even more).
I’m very worried for you, Taehyung-ah. This news must have been why you were looking very sad in your photos for the past month, like the ones from your recent travel to Nice. I really wish there is something I can do for you. I’ve always strived to write you letters consistently, but I just often fail at it. I’m very sorry. I want to write something you’d like to read, but I’m not creative and inspired every day. I’m definitely having difficulties. I’m sorry if I won’t be making sense. I’ll just write to you whatever I can think of and be with you every day and every night. May you always remember that you always have us, Taehyung-ah. May our hearts reach you everyday.
I love you so much, Taehyung-ah. I, and so many of your armys, love you so much. Always remember that. May we always be your friends to make you comfortable. May we be among your many sources of strength and vitality so that you can go beyond and be successful in any endeavor you’ll take this year. We’ll support you through thick and thin. Please take good care of yourself. Eat and sleep properly and keep a healthy lifestyle and optimistic mindset. May your days always be filled with happiness, graces, and blessings. May all your dreams come true and may you be happy, successful, and peaceful in 2023. πŸ‘ΌπŸ˜˜ Borahae, Saranghae, Taehyung-ah. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ